Friday, March 30, 2012

Great Writing-A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Smith

This "proposal" by Jonathan Swift is a satire, where Swift proposes an idea for what should be done to solve the severe economic problem and human suffering caused by overpopulation in Ireland. Swift recommends killing Irish babies at one year of age in order to alleviate these problems. The reason that I think that this essay contains such great writing is because of the way Swift writes in a formal tone and makes his proposal seem valid, when in reality what he is proposing is absolutely ridiculous. Throughout the passage, Swift uses language that dehumanizes the Irish people, making them seem like cattle raised for slaughter, which helps him achieve his underlying purpose of criticizing the way in which the poor were mocked at this time. Swift's proposal is so agreeable and contains so much support that I even found myself somewhat agreeing with the man, until I remembered that it involved something that was morally terrible.

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