Friday, March 23, 2012

Proposal-Reflection Paper

            The question that I would like to explore in my reflection paper is “Why does the general public decide to treat other people so poorly?” It did not take me very long to decide on this question, since it is something that I notice each and every day of my life.

            I really began to question the attitudes of the people once I got my first job. My job was a caddy at a country club, so my primary objective was to serve the needs of the golfers by carrying their bags and handing them their clubs. Prior to working here, I had always seen other employed people (such as my parents or friends) deeply frustrated at the ways that they were treated by either people who had authority over them, or just normal individuals. After starting work, it astonished me how many people looked down upon me and treated me as if I was some sort of slave. I know I had done nothing wrong to them, so why were they treating me like this?

            After getting my next job at a grocery store, Wegman’s, I really began to question, and even dislike, much of the general public. Whether they are telling me to grab a grocery cart on the other side of the store just because the one they have is wet, or just acting rude by talking on their phone when I am trying to check them out in line, people look down upon me, and surely countless others, numerous times a day. I have even experiences some extreme cases where customers simply walk up to my face, curse me off, and then leave for no apparent reason. I often become very frustrated at times like these, even though I know that I should just brush them off. I have always hoped that my last day of work will consist of me getting back at a customer with some sort of revenge (this would be my last day of work since whatever I do would get me instantly fired), which is probably a byproduct of my built up anger. The bottom line is that working has opened my eyes to the terrible ways in which people treat others.

            In this paper, I really want to discuss how the ways people decided to downgrade others for numerous and profoundly meaningless reasons (taking frustration out on someone else, trying to make themselves feel better about themselves, or the fact that many people inherently just do not care about strangers) is a fundamental flaw in society. I will talk about how working opened my eyes to this nasty reality, and how today I see it everywhere. I will try to find the reasons for why people act so superior to others by treating them in a condescending manner. I will that, of course, not everyone is like this, but it is very surprising how many are. My overall voice in this paper will most likely be very critical and I will try to point just how meaningless degradation is.  

1 comment:

  1. I can completely relate with this idea. I have a lot of friends that work at our local country club and I've experienced the same thing at my own job. I work at a movie theatre selling tickets or handing out the popcorn and candy. People complain at me for the most ridiculous things. Why do you think society is like this? When did this start to become acceptable? It reminds me of an episode of my favorite television show, How I Met Your Mother. One character that works in the corporate world talked about his theory of "The Chain of Screaming." He explained that everyone gets yelled at by someone of a higher status and then in turn takes it out on someone of a lower status. For some reason, people feel entitled to take out their frustrations on someone younger or less powerful than them. How can we stop this chain and what does it say about our entitlement in society?
