Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Failures of North Korea

Analysts Say North Korea’s New Missiles Are Fakes

This article caught my attention since, after reading it, I was amazed at how desperate North Korea appears to be in order to prove to the world that they are a powerful force, and with such little success.

The article discusses how, at a recent military parade, North Korea showcased several models of missiles, missiles that appeared to be designed for long range attacks. While the thought of a successful intercontinental ballistic missile, or ICBM, in the hands of North Korea is disturbing for Americans, the recent parade showed that they are likely far from creating one. The missiles that were showcased appeared to have a metal layer that was much too thin to survive flight, they did not fit on the launchers that supported them, and overall they just did not look like they would be able to fly. Furthermore, just a few weeks ago the North Korean’s failed terribly at launching a supposed “satellite carrying rocket” (probably was more for missile testing) as the rocket barely took flight before it came crashing down into a body of water. Overall, it seems like the claims that North Korea is making that they are capable of attacking the United States seem utterly weak.

There is some concern that while North Korea has probably not produced any ICBM’s to this point, they may be well on their way to doing so. This concern rises from the fear that the missiles on parade could have been actual designs for future missiles in the making, in addition to the fact that the carriers that supported the missiles were so large (why would North Korea spend so much cash on the carriers if they are not even going to use them?). Despite these worries, they are eventually assuaged since many believe that North Korea simply does not have the capital or technology to produce such weapons.

It almost amuses me at how pathetic these attempts by North Korea are. If they are unable to make such a powerful weapon, then why do they go through such great lengths (the parade) to prove to us that they a global force? While I understand their hunger to be viewed as a powerful nation, they are simply making themselves look foolish by parading these obviously fake missiles throughout their cities.    

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